  • Expressions / Script language
  • Users and Permissions
  • Backup, restore, reset to factory settings
  • Software release notes
  • TapHome Apps

    Available platforms: iOS, Android, Windows 10

    Available versions: TapHome Official (stable), TapHome Next (beta with upcoming features)

    Our Smart Home app serves both installation partners and end users. See Users and permissions for more info.

    Windows 7, 8


    For Windows 7, you need to set the application to run in Windows Vista compatibility mode.


    Linux x86, x64 (Experimental)

    ARM architecture (typically mobile devices) is not supported

    • Download ZIP archive with version for Windows 7, 8 (see the link above).
    • Run it in Wine app (version 6 and newer)
    • In registry editor of Wine app, change HKEY_CURRENT_USER → Software → Wine → Direct3D registry “renderer” to value “vulkan”

    Kiosk Mode







    If TapHome app is running on tablet mounted on the wall, it is possible to configure operating system to keep the app running in the foreground.

    Kiosk Mode in iOS (iPad)

    TapHome app detects if operating system is running in Guided Access mode. If you activate this mode while TapHome app is running, it will lock TapHome app in the foreground, until Guided Access mode is deactivated (tripple click of side button + custom passcode).

    How to set the TapHome app to always be on the foreground

    1. In iOS system settings, open Accessibility → Guided Access and enable it.

    1. Open TapHome app, activate Guided Access by tripple-clicking the side button of your iPhone/iPad.


    In TapHome app, go to Settings → App Settings, where you can choose the mode Keep Screen On, especially if your power button is covered by the wall mount.

    Kiosk Mode in Android

    Android supports Screen Pinning mode, which is used to keep one app locked in the foreground. Home button is disabled.

    How to set the TapHome app to always be on the foreground

    1. In Android system settings, Tap Security or Security & location and then Advanced and then App pinning. Turn on App pinning.

    1. Open TapHome App → Settings → App Settings and activate item Screen Pinning.

    For more information about pinning and unpinning, see Pin & unpin screens in Android help


    Fullscreen - when active, status bar and navigation bar is hidden

    Keep Screen On - prevents device from going to sleep mode - usable if your wall mount is blocking the power button

    Keyboard shortcuts









    Ctrl + F

    Activate fulltext filtering

    Ctrl + L

    Open list of locations and start filtering


    Deactivate active filter


    Ctrl + ,


    Ctrl + D

    Device list

    Ctrl + Y

    Activity monitor

    Ctrl + B

    Bus analyzer(in TapHome Bus interface)

    Ctrl + Shift + F

    Find new devices(in TapHome Bus interface)

    Ctrl + 1 .. 9

    Open N-th page from left menu

    Ctrl + ← / Ctrl + →

    Jump to previous / next page from left menu

    Ctrl + M

    My location

    Ctrl + Q



    Ctrl + S / Ctrl + Enter

    Save and close service setting, Smart Rule or interface

    Backspace / Esc

    Close service setting, Smart Rule or interface. Ask to save changes.

    Ctrl + E

    Dashboard: edit

    List: start multi-select mode

    Ctrl + N,D

    Create new Virtual Devices

    Ctrl + N,S

    Add new Smart Rule in device detail

    Ctrl + N,V

    Create new Variable

    User authentication (Face ID)








    To prevent unwanted use of TapHome app (e.g. by kids), activate Face ID authentication in Settings → App Settings → Require user authentication.