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  • Simple thermostat with hysteresis

    To create fully working thermostat you will need:

    • Temperature sensor for air temperature input and if electric floor heating is used, also one for floor temperature
    • an Output actuator
    • virtual Thermostat device
    • Hysteresis Smart Rule

    1. To create Input sensors go to module where physical temperature sensors are located and enable them:

    1. To create an Output actuator, go to an output module where real output is located and enable this output as "Switch". This output relay will control related heating element.

    1. To create Virtual Thermostat, go to Settings → Virtual devices → Add device → Thermostat

    1. Open Thermostat Service settings and define Air sensor (and a Floor Sensor as well for electric floor heating) enabled in Step 1.

    1. Add Smart Rule Temperature hysteresis controller with following settings
    • Mode = Heating fixed
    • Medium = Hot (fixed)

    (Mode and Medium are explained here

    • Range = oscillation range +/- value, default value 0.5 Degrees
    • Output device = Output actuator
    • Limit temperature + Limit temperature Sensor = usually floor temperature sensor with the limit temperature value

    1. Final result