  • Expressions / Script language
  • Users and Permissions
  • Backup, restore, reset to factory settings
  • Automatic configuration using templates

    To configure a connection to a third-party device using Packet parser, do the following:

    1. Open the TapHome application and go to Settings → Hardware → Packet parser.
    2. In the packet analyzer section, you will see the "Download templates" option, which updates the templates in the application from the public GitHub repository. Then you just select a specific template. Or select "Add from file" if you have generated your own template (XML format) in the TapHome app.
    3. Fill in the basic connection attributes (IP address or rather mDNS name) and select which devices to create.
    4. Click "Create" and the module with the devices will be created according to the template definition.

    Congratulations! You have just successfully configured a connection to a third party device using Packet parser!

    Attention: templates do not define any automatic actions (Smart Rules)

    If you can't find a template for your device, you can generate your own template using TapHome app, export it to XML from the module, and then push it to a GitHub repository for other users to use: