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  • Jablotron alarm

    Jablotron 100 alarm system provides RS485 gateway to securely connect to 3rd party systems.

    Warning: The communication protocol defined by Jablotron has no protection against packet collisions. This means that when TapHome inquires about the status of the sensor, and at that moment Jablotron sends information (e.g. activated alarm, magnetic sensor disconnected, etc.), both messages are irretrievably lost. Therefore, 100% data transfer cannot be guaranteed. The entire connection should be viewed as informative only. TapHome periodically tries to synchronize the current sensor states, which can sometimes cause a delay.

    Warning: When communicating with the Jablotron unit, TapHome must divide messages into several shorter messages (max. 100 bytes), which may cause a delay in displaying the status of the sensors. Therefore, we recommend using PG contacts only for information that must be delivered as quickly as possible, and not to exceed the number of 30 PG inputs / outputs.

    WARNING: You must disable the option to disable the alarm for the user account in the Jablotron unit. Due to an error in the communication protocol, the Jablotron system considers any attempt to communicate to automatically disable the alarm unless explicitly disabled.

    TapHome Core control unit provides 3 terminals for TapHome Bus devices, or other RS485-based devices. Thanks to support of Jablotron protocol, TapHome can read values from/to Jablotron 100 alarm.

    Step-by-step guide

    Connect JA-121T with TapHome Core.

    The JA-121T provides galvanic isolation, so the GNDs of the Jablotron and TapHome power supplies should not be connected.

    1. Open Settings → Hardware:
      a. Disable Terminal 3 in TapHome Bus → Terminals
      b. + Add new interface → Jablotron

    1. Open Settings → Hardware → Jablotron:
      a. Enable Terminal 3
      b. For example, set the Jablotron password (format 1 * 2345, where 1 is the external user ID and 2345 is the password or other format you are using). This password must be created in the Jablotron system.

    1. Program PG outputs in Jablotron. In order to achieve immediate response from e.g. motion sensor, it must be programmed as PG output in Jablotron.
      Typical use cases:
      • Armed status of the house, in order to adjust blinds, heating, cooling and ventilation
      • Motion sensor to turn on the light in corridor when there is motion at night
      • Windows in a zone to provide push notification when leaving the house with windows open

    1. In Service settings of each PG, you can define its device type to adjust icon and configuration.

    a. Read-only device types for Reed contacts

    b. Read/write device types for Switches

    IMPORTANT: It is not possible to combine Jablotron Gateway with any other device on the same bus terminal. All terminals are RS485 standard, but this provides only electric compatibility, not data compatibility.