  • Expressions / Script language
  • Users and Permissions
  • Backup, restore, reset to factory settings
  • Smart Rules - Limiting Conditions

    Each Smart Rule can be dynamically activated/bypassed by a specified limiting condition(s) defined inside the Smart Rule

    Limiting condition visualisation

    Limiting condition is met/active that means Smart Rule is working

    Limiting condition is not met that means Smart Rule is bypassed

    Limiting condition inside Smart Rule

    Limiting condition types

    • Formula

    Formula allows you to limit Smart Rule activity by an Equation. It is the only type where you can use more than one variable


    Selection of variables used in equation. Short names is are generated automatically by the system


    True state of the equation activates the Smart Rule. False state bypasses the Smart Rule

    • Time

    Time allows you to limit the Smart Rule activity by a specified time interval. 48h scale is used to cover also events that start in one day and end in another.

    Time interval (From/To)

    Scale starts 00:00 day 1 and ends day 3 00:00 which means 48 hours are covered

    • Digital output

    Digital output allows you to limit the Smart Rule activity by a specified state (On or Off) of a Digital output (Switch).

    Digital output (On/Off)

    Selected device


    State(s) selection - Smart rule will only work in enabled states.

    • Multivalue switch

    Multivalue switch allows you to limit the Smart Rule activity by a specified state(s) of a Multivalue switch.

    Selected device


    State(s) selection - Smart Rule will only work in enabled states.

    Keep in mind that bypassing Smart Rule via Limiting condition means that Smart Rule loses control over the output device immediately and is not able to get the control back until the Limiting condition is met again.