iO ELEKTRO, s.r.o.


iO ELEKTRO, s.r.o.

+421 918 019 197

Elektrarenska 1

831 04 Bratislava


⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Smart, polite and especially oriented guys in new trends. Maximum satisfaction! They are always happy to advise, listen and find a solution.
Ondrej Szabó 2024.11.01 — 2 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Smart, polite and especially oriented guys in new trends. Maximum satisfaction! They are always happy to advise, listen and find a solution.
Ondrej Szabó 2024.11.01 — 2 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Sikovni, slusni a hlavne zorientovani chalani v novych trendoch. Maximalna spokojnost! Vzdy radi poradia, vypocuju si a najdu riesenie.
Ondrej Szabó 2024.11.01 — 2 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Smart, polite and especially oriented guys in new trends. Maximum satisfaction! They are always happy to advise, listen and find a solution.
Ondrej Szabó 2024.11.01 — a month ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Smart, polite and especially oriented guys in new trends. Maximum satisfaction! They are always happy to advise, listen and find a solution.
Ondrej Szabó 2024.11.01 — a month ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Smart, polite and especially oriented guys in new trends. Maximum satisfaction! They are always happy to advise, listen and find a solution.
Ondrej Szabó 2024.11.01 — a month ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Smart, polite and especially oriented guys in new trends. Maximum satisfaction! They are always happy to advise, listen and find a solution.
Ondrej Szabó 2024.11.01 — a month ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Smart, polite and especially oriented guys in new trends. Maximum satisfaction! They are always happy to advise, listen and find a solution.
Ondrej Szabó 2024.11.01 — a month ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I would like to express our maximum satisfaction with iOELEKTRO. After an unpleasant experience with the previous company, which failed to implement our Loxone intelligent installation project, the Belák and Zečevič team literally saved us. Their expertise, professionalism and skill were priceless. The whole process went smoothly and the result exceeded our expectations. Our smart home now works flawlessly and exactly according to our expectations. We definitely recommend iOELEKTRO to everyone who is looking for quality and reliable solutions in the field of smart installations.
karolina miklusicakova 2024.09.07 — 4 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I would like to express our maximum satisfaction with iOELEKTRO. After an unpleasant experience with the previous company, which failed to implement our Loxone intelligent installation project, the Belák and Zečevič team literally saved us. Their expertise, professionalism and skill were priceless. The whole process went smoothly and the result exceeded our expectations. Our smart home now works flawlessly and exactly according to our expectations. We definitely recommend iOELEKTRO to everyone who is looking for quality and reliable solutions in the field of smart installations.
karolina miklusicakova 2024.09.07 — 4 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Rada by som vyjadrila našu maximálnu spokojnosť so spoločnosťou iOELEKTRO. Po nepríjemnej skúsenosti s predchádzajúcou firmou, ktorá nedokázala zrealizovať náš projekt inteligentnej inštalácie Loxone, nás tím Belák a Zečevič doslova zachránil. Ich odbornosť, profesionalita a šikovnosť boli na nezaplatenie. Celý proces prebehol hladko a výsledok je nad naše očakávania. Náš smart dom teraz funguje bezchybne a presne podľa našich predstáv. iOELEKTRO určite odporúčame všetkým, ktorí hľadajú kvalitné a spoľahlivé riešenia v oblasti inteligentných inštalácií.
karolina miklusicakova 2024.09.07 — 3 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I would like to express our maximum satisfaction with iOELEKTRO. After an unpleasant experience with the previous company, which failed to implement our Loxone intelligent installation project, the Belák and Zečevič team literally saved us. Their expertise, professionalism and skill were priceless. The whole process went smoothly and the result exceeded our expectations. Our smart home now works flawlessly and exactly according to our expectations. We definitely recommend iOELEKTRO to everyone who is looking for quality and reliable solutions in the field of smart installations.
karolina miklusicakova 2024.09.07 — 3 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I would like to express our maximum satisfaction with iOELEKTRO. After an unpleasant experience with the previous company, which failed to implement our Loxone intelligent installation project, the Belák and Zečevič team literally saved us. Their expertise, professionalism and skill were priceless. The whole process went smoothly and the result exceeded our expectations. Our smart home now works flawlessly and exactly according to our expectations. We definitely recommend iOELEKTRO to everyone who is looking for quality and reliable solutions in the field of smart installations.
karolina miklusicakova 2024.09.07 — 3 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I would like to express our maximum satisfaction with iOELEKTRO. After an unpleasant experience with the previous company, which failed to implement our Loxone intelligent installation project, the Belák and Zečevič team literally saved us. Their expertise, professionalism and skill were priceless. The whole process went smoothly and the result exceeded our expectations. Our smart home now works flawlessly and exactly according to our expectations. We definitely recommend iOELEKTRO to everyone who is looking for quality and reliable solutions in the field of smart installations.
karolina miklusicakova 2024.09.07 — 3 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I would like to express our maximum satisfaction with iOELEKTRO. After an unpleasant experience with the previous company, which failed to implement our Loxone intelligent installation project, the Belák and Zečevič team literally saved us. Their expertise, professionalism and skill were priceless. The whole process went smoothly and the result exceeded our expectations. Our smart home now works flawlessly and exactly according to our expectations. We definitely recommend iOELEKTRO to everyone who is looking for quality and reliable solutions in the field of smart installations.
karolina miklusicakova 2024.09.07 — 3 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I would like to express our maximum satisfaction with iOELEKTRO. After an unpleasant experience with the previous company, which failed to implement our Loxone intelligent installation project, the Belák and Zečevič team literally saved us. Their expertise, professionalism and skill were priceless. The whole process went smoothly and the result exceeded our expectations. Our smart home now works flawlessly and exactly according to our expectations. We definitely recommend iOELEKTRO to everyone who is looking for quality and reliable solutions in the field of smart installations.
karolina miklusicakova 2024.09.07 — 2 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I've been working on a smart house for some time, but at the beginning of the implementation of a competing company (I won't mention the name) I started to notice whether they do the work well, I contacted IO Elektro only with small questions, but they offered to come and look at it for us , let us be sure that the given smart system will be installed correctly, and in the end they finished our house, even replacing the taphome loxone with each other was obviously very beneficial, I'm glad I came across them. Thank you, good luck.
Peter Vadkerti 2024.05.14 — 8 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I've been working on a smart house for some time, but at the beginning of the implementation of a competing company (I won't mention the name) I started to notice whether they do the work well, I contacted IO Elektro only with small questions, but they offered to come and look at it for us , let us be sure that the given smart system will be installed correctly, and in the end they finished our house, even replacing the taphome loxone with each other was obviously very beneficial, I'm glad I came across them. Thank you, good luck.
Peter Vadkerti 2024.05.14 — 8 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Riesil som inteligentny dom uz nejaku dobu, no pri zaciatku realizacii konkurencnej firmy (meno nejdem spominat) som si zacal vsimat, ci robia danu pracu kvalitne, IO elektro som kontaktoval iba s drobnymi otazkami, no ponukli sa, ze sa nam na to prijdu pozriet, nech sme si isty, ci bude dany smart system spravne nainstalovany, a nakoniec nam dom dokoncili oni, dokonca zamena taphome loxone medzi sebou bola evidentne velmi prospesna, som rad, ze som natrafil na nich. Dakujem, nech sa dari.
Peter Vadkerti 2024.05.14 — 7 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I've been working on a smart house for some time, but at the beginning of the implementation of a competing company (I won't mention the name) I started to notice whether they do the work well, I contacted IO Elektro only with small questions, but they offered to come and look at it for us , let us be sure that the given smart system will be installed correctly, and in the end they finished our house, even replacing the taphome loxone with each other was obviously very beneficial, I'm glad I came across them. Thank you, good luck.
Peter Vadkerti 2024.05.14 — 7 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I've been working on a smart house for some time, but at the beginning of the implementation of a competing company (I won't mention the name) I started to notice whether they do the work well, I contacted IO Elektro only with small questions, but they offered to come and look at it for us , let us be sure that the given smart system will be installed correctly, and in the end they finished our house, even replacing the taphome loxone with each other was obviously very beneficial, I'm glad I came across them. Thank you, good luck.
Peter Vadkerti 2024.05.14 — 7 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I've been working on a smart house for some time, but at the beginning of the implementation of a competing company (I won't mention the name) I started to notice whether they do the work well, I contacted IO Elektro only with small questions, but they offered to come and look at it for us , let us be sure that the given smart system will be installed correctly, and in the end they finished our house, even replacing the taphome loxone with each other was obviously very beneficial, I'm glad I came across them. Thank you, good luck.
Peter Vadkerti 2024.05.14 — 7 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I've been working on a smart house for some time, but at the beginning of the implementation of a competing company (I won't mention the name) I started to notice whether they do the work well, I contacted IO Elektro only with small questions, but they offered to come and look at it for us , let us be sure that the given smart system will be installed correctly, and in the end they finished our house, even replacing the taphome loxone with each other was obviously very beneficial, I'm glad I came across them. Thank you, good luck.
Peter Vadkerti 2024.05.14 — 6 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I've been working on a smart house for some time, but at the beginning of the implementation of a competing company (I won't mention the name) I started to notice whether they do the work well, I contacted IO Elektro only with small questions, but they offered to come and look at it for us , let us be sure that the given smart system will be installed correctly, and in the end they finished our house, even replacing the taphome loxone with each other was obviously very beneficial, I'm glad I came across them. Thank you, good luck.
Peter Vadkerti 2024.05.14 — 6 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I needed to have my Taphome smart system serviced by another company that could not meet my requirements, so I came across iOELEKTRO, and I am very satisfied with the cooperation with them, we finally put together the missing camera system. Thank you and I definitely recommend.
Patrick Ka 2024.04.27 — 8 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I needed to have my Taphome smart system serviced by another company that could not meet my requirements, so I came across iOELEKTRO, and I am very satisfied with the cooperation with them, we finally put together the missing camera system. Thank you and I definitely recommend.
Patrick Ka 2024.04.27 — 8 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Potreboval som vyservisovať môj smart systém Taphome po inej firme ktorá mi nevedela splniť požiadavky, a tak som natrafili na iOELEKTRO, a som veľmi spolojný so spoluprácou s nimi, konečne sme dali dokopy aj chýbajuci kamerový systém. Ďakujem a určite odporúčam.
Patrick Ka 2024.04.27 — 8 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I needed to have my Taphome smart system serviced by another company that could not meet my requirements, so I came across iOELEKTRO, and I am very satisfied with the cooperation with them, we finally put together the missing camera system. Thank you and I definitely recommend.
Patrick Ka 2024.04.27 — 8 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I needed to have my Taphome smart system serviced by another company that could not meet my requirements, so I came across iOELEKTRO, and I am very satisfied with the cooperation with them, we finally put together the missing camera system. Thank you and I definitely recommend.
Patrick Ka 2024.04.27 — 7 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I needed to have my Taphome smart system serviced by another company that could not meet my requirements, so I came across iOELEKTRO, and I am very satisfied with the cooperation with them, we finally put together the missing camera system. Thank you and I definitely recommend.
Patrick Ka 2024.04.27 — 7 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I needed to have my Taphome smart system serviced by another company that could not meet my requirements, so I came across iOELEKTRO, and I am very satisfied with the cooperation with them, we finally put together the missing camera system. Thank you and I definitely recommend.
Patrick Ka 2024.04.27 — 7 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I needed to have my Taphome smart system serviced by another company that could not meet my requirements, so I came across iOELEKTRO, and I am very satisfied with the cooperation with them, we finally put together the missing camera system. Thank you and I definitely recommend.
Patrick Ka 2024.04.27 — 7 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
If you are looking for a reliable, fast and professional supplier of work related to electricity, iO Elektro is the company. I thank them for their help with the renovation of the electricity in the apartment. I recommend contacting the owner Ivan, who is guaranteed to help you.
Martin Toth 2024.02.13 — 11 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
If you are looking for a reliable, fast and professional supplier of work related to electricity, iO Elektro is the company. I thank them for their help with the renovation of the electricity in the apartment. I recommend contacting the owner Ivan, who is guaranteed to help you.
Martin Toth 2024.02.13 — 11 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Pokiaľ hľadáte spoľahlivého, rýchleho a profesionálneho dodávateľa prác súvisiacich s elektrinou je to spoločnosť iO Elektro. Ďakujem im za pomoc s rekonštrukciou elektriny v byte. Odporúčam kontaktovať majiteľa Ivana, ktorý vám zaručene pomôže.
Martin Toth 2024.02.13 — 10 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
If you are looking for a reliable, fast and professional supplier of work related to electricity, iO Elektro is the company. I thank them for their help with the renovation of the electricity in the apartment. I recommend contacting the owner Ivan, who is guaranteed to help you.
Martin Toth 2024.02.13 — 10 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
If you are looking for a reliable, fast and professional supplier of work related to electricity, iO Elektro is the company. I thank them for their help with the renovation of the electricity in the apartment. I recommend contacting the owner Ivan, who is guaranteed to help you.
Martin Toth 2024.02.13 — 10 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
If you are looking for a reliable, fast and professional supplier of work related to electricity, iO Elektro is the company. I thank them for their help with the renovation of the electricity in the apartment. I recommend contacting the owner Ivan, who is guaranteed to help you.
Martin Toth 2024.02.13 — 10 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
If you are looking for a reliable, fast and professional supplier of work related to electricity, iO Elektro is the company. I thank them for their help with the renovation of the electricity in the apartment. I recommend contacting the owner Ivan, who is guaranteed to help you.
Martin Toth 2024.02.13 — 9 months ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
If you are looking for a reliable, fast and professional supplier of work related to electricity, iO Elektro is the company. I thank them for their help with the renovation of the electricity in the apartment. I recommend contacting the owner Ivan, who is guaranteed to help you.
Martin Toth 2024.02.13 — 9 months ago

Show more


Zahorska Bystrica, Slovakia
36x Lighting
Zoned heating
18x Zoned heating
2x Ventilation
Light dimming or color control
2x Light dimming or color control
Motion sensors
2x Motion sensors
2x Irrigation
Access control
2x Access control
2x Gates
Heat pump
2x Heat pump
2x Jablotron
CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
2x CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
2x Photovoltaic
Car charging
2x Car charging
Záhorska Bystrica, Slovakia
43x Lighting
Zoned heating
13x Zoned heating
4x Cooling
1x Boiler
Heat pump
1x Heat pump
Light dimming or color control
4x Light dimming or color control
1x Irrigation
1x Photovoltaic
Access control
4x Access control
1x Modbus
1x Safety
1x Gates
CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
1x CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
Blinds or roller shutters
19x Blinds or roller shutters
Senec, Slovakia
Zoned heating
9x Zoned heating
24x Lighting
Light dimming or color control
20x Light dimming or color control
25x Appliances
Water supply
1x Water supply
1x Jablotron
CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
1x CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
Access control
1x Access control
2x Gates
Office in Bratislava, Slovakia
20x Lighting
Light dimming or color control
5x Light dimming or color control
9x Appliances
6x Ventilation
Split units
2x Split units
CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
1x CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
Classic switch
15x Classic switch
Rusovce, Slovakia
Blinds or roller shutters
23x Blinds or roller shutters
Zoned heating
16x Zoned heating
Light dimming or color control
33x Light dimming or color control
43x Lighting
5x Irrigation
7x Appliances
1x Gates
Window sensor
17x Window sensor
Pool control
1x Pool control
1x Safety
1x Jablotron
1x Photovoltaic
Energy monitoring
5x Energy monitoring
Garage Door
2x Garage Door
Classic switch
55x Classic switch
1x Modbus
Water supply
1x Water supply
1x Gates
Blinds or roller shutters
9x Blinds or roller shutters
Zoned heating
8x Zoned heating
4x Irrigation
Water supply
1x Water supply
Smart switch
8x Smart switch
Bratislava, Slovakia August, 2023
1x Gates
4x Irrigation
8x Lighting
Water supply
1x Water supply
Energy monitoring
1x Energy monitoring
1x Sensors
Access control
1x Access control
Bratislava, Slovakia July 2023
Blinds or roller shutters
11x Blinds or roller shutters
1x Ventilation
Classic switch
10x Classic switch
Heating control
12x Heating control
12x Cooling
CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
1x CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
1x Doorbell
1x Safety
Water supply
1x Water supply
2x Gates
Bratislava, Slovakia June, 2023
8x Lighting
Electric window control
10x Electric window control
Blinds or roller shutters
10x Blinds or roller shutters
Classic switch
30x Classic switch
Window sensor
14x Window sensor
Motion sensors
8x Motion sensors
14x Sensors
1x Gates
1x Doorbell
Garage Door
1x Garage Door
Water supply
1x Water supply
4x Irrigation
Zoned heating
1x Zoned heating
Bratislava, Slovakia May 2023
Bratislava, Slovakia April 2023
Blinds or roller shutters
10x Blinds or roller shutters
Zoned heating
8x Zoned heating
2x Cooling
1x Ventilation
Energy monitoring
2x Energy monitoring
CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
1x CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
Access control
1x Access control
1x Safety
Motion sensors
12x Motion sensors
Window sensor
16x Window sensor
Light dimming or color control
19x Light dimming or color control
27x Lighting
4x Irrigation
Water supply
1x Water supply
Bratislava, Slovakia February 2023
1x Cooling
Heating control
1x Heating control
Blinds or roller shutters
13x Blinds or roller shutters
6x Irrigation
2x Lighting
1x Doorbell
1x Jablotron
Heat pump
1x Heat pump
Water supply
1x Water supply
Energy monitoring
1x Energy monitoring
Pool control
1x Pool control
Bratislava, Slovakia February 2023
Rastislavice, Slovakia September 2022
Zoned heating
13x Zoned heating
Blinds or roller shutters
7x Blinds or roller shutters
6x Irrigation
4x Ventilation
22x Lighting
Light dimming or color control
11x Light dimming or color control
Motion sensors
4x Motion sensors
1x Gates
1x Doorbell
CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
1x CCTV / IP Cam monitoring
1x Jablotron
Energy monitoring
1x Energy monitoring
Split units
1x Split units
Water supply
1x Water supply
1x Photovoltaic