7x Zoned heating
1x Boiler
2x Gates
5x Irrigation
11x Blinds or roller shutters
9x Lighting
14x Classic switch
3x Water supply
1x Access control
1x Safety
During the reconstruction of the house, the heating and cooling contractor offered us several companies for an intelligent control system. We chose TapHome from SmartComfort. Everything works as it should. The application is clear and easy to use. If something had to be explained, temperatures calibrated, or added to the application p. Slobodník reacted almost immediately and resolved the situation. We can only recommend the company Smart Comfort.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 4 months ago
During the reconstruction of the house, the heating and cooling contractor offered us several companies for an intelligent control system. We chose TapHome from SmartComfort. Everything works as it should. The application is clear and easy to use. If something had to be explained, temperatures calibrated, or added to the application p. Slobodník reacted almost immediately and resolved the situation. We can only recommend the company Smart Comfort.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 4 months ago
Pri rekonštrukcii RD nám zhotoviteľ vykurovania a chladenia ponúkol niekoľko firiem pre inteligentný systém ovládania. Zvolili sme TapHome od firmy SmartComfort. Všetko funguje ako sa patrí. Aplikácia je prehľadná a ľahko sa ovláda. Ak bolo treba niečo vysvetliť, nakalibrovať teploty, alebo doplniť do aplikácie p. Slobodník reagoval takmer okamžite a situáciu vyriešil. Možeme firmu Smart Comfort len doporučiť.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 4 months ago
During the reconstruction of the house, the heating and cooling contractor offered us several companies for an intelligent control system. We chose TapHome from SmartComfort. Everything works as it should. The application is clear and easy to use. If something had to be explained, temperatures calibrated, or added to the application p. Slobodník reacted almost immediately and resolved the situation. We can only recommend the company Smart Comfort.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 4 months ago
During the reconstruction of the house, the heating and cooling contractor offered us several companies for an intelligent control system. We chose TapHome from SmartComfort. Everything works as it should. The application is clear and easy to use. If something had to be explained, temperatures calibrated, or added to the application p. Slobodník reacted almost immediately and resolved the situation. We can only recommend the company Smart Comfort.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 3 months ago
During the reconstruction of the house, the heating and cooling contractor offered us several companies for an intelligent control system. We chose TapHome from SmartComfort. Everything works as it should. The application is clear and easy to use. If something had to be explained, temperatures calibrated, or added to the application p. Slobodník reacted almost immediately and resolved the situation. We can only recommend the company Smart Comfort.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 3 months ago
During the reconstruction of the house, the heating and cooling contractor offered us several companies for an intelligent control system. We chose TapHome from SmartComfort. Everything works as it should. The application is clear and easy to use. If something had to be explained, temperatures calibrated, or added to the application p. Slobodník reacted almost immediately and resolved the situation. We can only recommend the company Smart Comfort.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 3 months ago
During the reconstruction of the house, the heating and cooling contractor offered us several companies for an intelligent control system. We chose TapHome from SmartComfort. Everything works as it should. The application is clear and easy to use. If something had to be explained, temperatures calibrated, or added to the application p. Slobodník reacted almost immediately and resolved the situation. We can only recommend the company Smart Comfort.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 3 months ago
During the reconstruction of the house, the heating and cooling contractor offered us several companies for an intelligent control system. We chose TapHome from SmartComfort. Everything works as it should. The application is clear and easy to use. If something had to be explained, temperatures calibrated, or added to the application p. Slobodník reacted almost immediately and resolved the situation. We can only recommend the company Smart Comfort.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 5 months ago
During the reconstruction of the house, the heating and cooling contractor offered us several companies for an intelligent control system. We chose TapHome from SmartComfort. Everything works as it should. The application is clear and easy to use. If something had to be explained, temperatures calibrated, or added to the application p. Slobodník reacted almost immediately and resolved the situation. We can only recommend the company Smart Comfort.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 5 months ago
During the reconstruction of the house, the heating and cooling contractor offered us several companies for an intelligent control system. We chose TapHome from SmartComfort. Everything works as it should. The application is clear and easy to use. If something had to be explained, temperatures calibrated, or added to the application p. Slobodník reacted almost immediately and resolved the situation. We can only recommend the company Smart Comfort.
Richard Smitka 2024.08.26 — 5 months ago
Smartcomfort provided us with a comprehensive implementation of intelligence for the household of the Taphome brand. We are extremely satisfied, Smartcomfort installed it well and we are continuing to add components, at the same time the Taphome system simplifies the running of the household, in the long term it even saves money. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
Smartcomfort provided us with a comprehensive implementation of intelligence for the household of the Taphome brand. We are extremely satisfied, Smartcomfort installed it well and we are continuing to add components, at the same time the Taphome system simplifies the running of the household, in the long term it even saves money. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
Smartcomfort provided us with a comprehensive implementation of intelligence for the household of the Taphome brand. We are extremely satisfied, Smartcomfort installed it well and we are continuing to add components, at the same time the Taphome system simplifies the running of the household, in the long term it even saves money. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
Smartcomfort nam poskytol komplexnu realizaciu inteligencie pre domacnost znacky Taphome. Sme maximalne spokojni, Smartcomfort kvalitne nainstaloval a dalej pokracujeme v doplnani komponentov, zaroven Taphome system zjednodusuje chod domacnosti, v dlhodobejsom horizonte dokonca setri peniaze. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
Smartcomfort provided us with a comprehensive implementation of intelligence for the household of the Taphome brand. We are extremely satisfied, Smartcomfort installed it well and we are continuing to add components, at the same time the Taphome system simplifies the running of the household, in the long term it even saves money. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
Smartcomfort provided us with a comprehensive implementation of intelligence for the household of the Taphome brand. We are extremely satisfied, Smartcomfort installed it well and we are continuing to add components, at the same time the Taphome system simplifies the running of the household, in the long term it even saves money. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
Smartcomfort provided us with a comprehensive implementation of intelligence for the household of the Taphome brand. We are extremely satisfied, Smartcomfort installed it well and we are continuing to add components, at the same time the Taphome system simplifies the running of the household, in the long term it even saves money. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
Smartcomfort provided us with a comprehensive implementation of intelligence for the household of the Taphome brand. We are extremely satisfied, Smartcomfort installed it well and we are continuing to add components, at the same time the Taphome system simplifies the running of the household, in the long term it even saves money. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
Smartcomfort provided us with a comprehensive implementation of intelligence for the household of the Taphome brand. We are extremely satisfied, Smartcomfort installed it well and we are continuing to add components, at the same time the Taphome system simplifies the running of the household, in the long term it even saves money. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
Smartcomfort provided us with a comprehensive implementation of intelligence for the household of the Taphome brand. We are extremely satisfied, Smartcomfort installed it well and we are continuing to add components, at the same time the Taphome system simplifies the running of the household, in the long term it even saves money. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
Smartcomfort provided us with a comprehensive implementation of intelligence for the household of the Taphome brand. We are extremely satisfied, Smartcomfort installed it well and we are continuing to add components, at the same time the Taphome system simplifies the running of the household, in the long term it even saves money. #shadowing #lighting #heating #ventilation/recuperation #windows, doors #security #irrigation #photovoltaic #meteo ...
Rado Rezak 2023.08.01 — a year ago
I came across the TapHome system and the Smart Comfort company while looking for a way to solve the control of heating and additional peripherals in a family home. During my search, I was impressed by the professional approach and professional advice given to me by Mr. Freemen. Together, we selected and designed a suitable solution for managing and monitoring selected heating, ventilation, lighting and other elements. We are currently expanding the system to control irrigation systems and a sliding gate. I have been using the system for about 2 years and I am completely satisfied with the validation and management options. Based on the above experiences, I can only recommend the TapHome system, the possibilities of which are more or less unlimited. I would also like to thank Mr. Slobodnikova for his professional approach and work on my project. Thank you
Rastislav Valko 2023.06.05 — a year ago
I came across the TapHome system and the Smart Comfort company while looking for a way to solve the control of heating and additional peripherals in a family home. During my search, I was impressed by the professional approach and professional advice given to me by Mr. Freemen. Together, we selected and designed a suitable solution for managing and monitoring selected heating, ventilation, lighting and other elements. We are currently expanding the system to control irrigation systems and a sliding gate. I have been using the system for about 2 years and I am completely satisfied with the validation and management options. Based on the above experiences, I can only recommend the TapHome system, the possibilities of which are more or less unlimited. I would also like to thank Mr. Slobodnikova for his professional approach and work on my project. Thank you
Rastislav Valko 2023.06.05 — a year ago
Na system TapHome a firmu Smart Comfort som narazil pri hladani moznosti ako vyriesit ovladanie kurenia a pridanych periferii v rodinnom dome. Pri mojom patrani ma oslovil profesionalny pristup a odborne poradenstvo, ktore mi bolo poskytnute p. Slobodnikom. Spolocne sme vybrali a navrhli vhodne riesenie pre riadenie a monitorovanie vybranich prvkov kurenia, vetrania, osvetlenia a ine. System aktualne rozsirujeme o ovladanie zavlah a posuvnej brany. System vyuzivam cca 2 roky a som maximalne spokojny s moznostami ovaldania a riadenia. Na zaklade uvedenych skusenosti mozem len odporucit system TapHome, ktoreho moznosti su viac menej neobmedzene. Taktiez by som chcel podakovat p.Slobodnikovy za profesionalny pristup a pracu na mojom projekte. Dakujem
Rastislav Valko 2023.06.05 — a year ago
I came across the TapHome system and the Smart Comfort company while looking for a way to solve the control of heating and additional peripherals in a family home. During my search, I was impressed by the professional approach and professional advice given to me by Mr. Freemen. Together, we selected and designed a suitable solution for managing and monitoring selected heating, ventilation, lighting and other elements. We are currently expanding the system to control irrigation systems and a sliding gate. I have been using the system for about 2 years and I am completely satisfied with the validation and management options. Based on the above experiences, I can only recommend the TapHome system, the possibilities of which are more or less unlimited. I would also like to thank Mr. Slobodnikova for his professional approach and work on my project. Well thank you
Rastislav Valko 2023.06.05 — a year ago
I came across the TapHome system and the Smart Comfort company while looking for a way to solve the control of heating and additional peripherals in a family home. During my search, I was impressed by the professional approach and professional advice given to me by Mr. Freemen. Together, we selected and designed a suitable solution for managing and monitoring selected heating, ventilation, lighting and other elements. We are currently expanding the system to control irrigation systems and a sliding gate. I have been using the system for about 2 years and I am completely satisfied with the validation and management options. Based on the above experiences, I can only recommend the TapHome system, the possibilities of which are more or less unlimited. I would also like to thank Mr. Slobodnikova for his professional approach and work on my project. Well thank you
Rastislav Valko 2023.06.05 — a year ago
I came across the TapHome system and the Smart Comfort company while looking for a way to solve the control of heating and additional peripherals in a family home. During my search, I was impressed by the professional approach and professional advice given to me by Mr. Freemen. Together, we selected and designed a suitable solution for managing and monitoring selected heating, ventilation, lighting and other elements. We are currently expanding the system to control irrigation systems and a sliding gate. I have been using the system for about 2 years and I am completely satisfied with the validation and management options. Based on the above experiences, I can only recommend the TapHome system, the possibilities of which are more or less unlimited. I would also like to thank Mr. Slobodnikova for his professional approach and work on my project. Well thank you
Rastislav Valko 2023.06.05 — a year ago
I came across the TapHome system and the Smart Comfort company while looking for a way to solve the control of heating and additional peripherals in a family home. During my search, I was impressed by the professional approach and professional advice given to me by Mr. Freemen. Together, we selected and designed a suitable solution for managing and monitoring selected heating, ventilation, lighting and other elements. We are currently expanding the system to control irrigation systems and a sliding gate. I have been using the system for about 2 years and I am completely satisfied with the validation and management options. Based on the above experiences, I can only recommend the TapHome system, the possibilities of which are more or less unlimited. I would also like to thank Mr. Slobodnikova for his professional approach and work on my project. Well thank you
Rastislav Valko 2023.06.05 — a year ago
I came across the TapHome system and the Smart Comfort company while looking for a way to solve the control of heating and additional peripherals in a family home. During my search, I was impressed by the professional approach and professional advice given to me by Mr. Freemen. Together, we selected and designed a suitable solution for managing and monitoring selected heating, ventilation, lighting and other elements. We are currently expanding the system to control irrigation systems and a sliding gate. I have been using the system for about 2 years and I am completely satisfied with the validation and management options. Based on the above experiences, I can only recommend the TapHome system, the possibilities of which are more or less unlimited. I would also like to thank Mr. Slobodnikova for his professional approach and work on my project. Well thank you
Rastislav Valko 2023.06.05 — a year ago
I came across the TapHome system and the Smart Comfort company while looking for a way to solve the control of heating and additional peripherals in a family home. During my search, I was impressed by the professional approach and professional advice given to me by Mr. Freemen. Together, we selected and designed a suitable solution for managing and monitoring selected heating, ventilation, lighting and other elements. We are currently expanding the system to control irrigation systems and a sliding gate. I have been using the system for about 2 years and I am completely satisfied with the validation and management options. Based on the above experiences, I can only recommend the TapHome system, the possibilities of which are more or less unlimited. I would also like to thank Mr. Slobodnikova for his professional approach and work on my project. Thank you
Rastislav Valko 2023.06.05 — a year ago
I came across the TapHome system and the Smart Comfort company while looking for a way to solve the control of heating and additional peripherals in a family home. During my search, I was impressed by the professional approach and professional advice given to me by Mr. Freemen. Together, we selected and designed a suitable solution for managing and monitoring selected heating, ventilation, lighting and other elements. We are currently expanding the system to control irrigation systems and a sliding gate. I have been using the system for about 2 years and I am completely satisfied with the validation and management options. Based on the above experiences, I can only recommend the TapHome system, the possibilities of which are more or less unlimited. I would also like to thank Mr. Slobodnikova for his professional approach and work on my project. Thank you
Rastislav Valko 2023.06.05 — a year ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on a number of positive reviews as well as the distance to the building. I must say that after the initial communication with Mr. Slobodnik and the overall installation of TapHome, I could not have chosen better. Super communication, delivery on time, later very willing service for additional settings. I definitely recommend further.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on a number of positive reviews as well as the distance to the building. I must say that after the initial communication with Mr. Slobodnik and the overall installation of TapHome, I could not have chosen better. Super communication, delivery on time, later very willing service for additional settings. I definitely recommend further.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on a number of positive reviews as well as the distance to the building. I must say that after the initial communication with Mr. Slobodnik and the overall installation of TapHome, I could not have chosen better. Super communication, delivery on time, later very willing service for additional settings. I definitely recommend further.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
Firmu SmartComfort som si vybral na zaklade mnozstva pozitivnych recenzii ako aj vzdialenosti k stavbe. Musim povedat ze po prvotnej komunikacii s panom Slobodnikom a celkovej instalacii TapHome som si nemohol vybrat lepsie. Super komunikacia, dodanie na cas, neskorsi velmi ochotny servis pri dodatocnom nastavovani. Urcite odporucam dalej.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on a number of positive reviews as well as the distance to the building. I must say that after the initial communication with Mr. Slobodnik and the overall installation of TapHome, I could not have chosen better. Super communication, delivery on time, later very willing service for additional settings. I definitely recommend further.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on a number of positive reviews as well as the distance to the building. I must say that after the initial communication with Mr. Slobodnik and the overall installation of TapHome, I could not have chosen better. Super communication, delivery on time, later very willing service for additional settings. I definitely recommend further.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on a number of positive reviews as well as the distance to the building. I must say that after the initial communication with Mr. Slobodnik and the overall installation of TapHome, I could not have chosen better. Super communication, delivery on time, later very willing service for additional settings. I definitely recommend further.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on a number of positive reviews as well as the distance to the building. I must say that after the initial communication with Mr. Slobodnik and the overall installation of TapHome, I could not have chosen better. Super communication, delivery on time, later very willing service for additional settings. I definitely recommend further.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on a number of positive reviews as well as the distance to the building. I must say that after the initial communication with Mr. Slobodnik and the overall installation of TapHome, I could not have chosen better. Super communication, delivery on time, later very willing service for additional settings. I definitely recommend further.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on a number of positive reviews as well as the distance to the building. I must say that after the initial communication with Mr. Slobodnik and the overall installation of TapHome, I could not have chosen better. Super communication, delivery on time, later very willing service for additional settings. I definitely recommend further.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on a number of positive reviews as well as the distance to the building. I must say that after the initial communication with Mr. Slobodnik and the overall installation of TapHome, I could not have chosen better. Super communication, delivery on time, later very willing service for additional settings. I definitely recommend further.
Matej Líner 2022.09.05 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
Peter Jakubik 2022.08.08 — 2 years ago
I chose the SmartComfort company based on references and can only recommend it to anyone who is thinking about a smart home. I appreciate the high professionalism of Mr. Slobodník. He designed a solution and adapted it to my needs. The TapHome system is perfect in terms of its options, control and adding other devices in the future as well.
Juraj Kozar 2022.06.26 — 2 years ago