ELITT Smart Home CZ


ELITT Smart Home CZ


+420 601 002 455

Povodňova 2117/10

143 00 Praha 4


⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5

peter jurco 2022.03.29 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5

peter jurco 2022.03.29 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5

peter jurco 2022.03.29 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5

peter jurco 2022.03.29 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5

peter jurco 2022.03.29 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5

peter jurco 2022.03.29 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5

peter jurco 2022.03.29 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5

peter jurco 2022.03.29 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I approached Elit smart home as a supplier of the Taphome smart home management system. I contacted Mr. Tomčík from the Prague branch. His approach and willingness seemed very professional to me, which was confirmed over time. Originally, I wanted to commission the company only to install the Taphome system, but after the initial negotiations, I decided to entrust them with the complete electrical installation, and I must state that my decision was the right one. Now, after almost three quarters of a year of cooperation, we are coming to the end of the project and I have to write that I have not found anything that I could criticize them for, quite the opposite. If there was a problem on the construction site, it was always solved in the shortest possible time. The people in this company are real experts who know what they are doing and think about things. Agreements apply here! I hope and believe that this approach will last for them in the future, and I would like to thank them for their trouble-free cooperation so far.
Tomáš Hrouda 2022.03.06 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I approached Elit smart home as a supplier of the Taphome smart home management system. I contacted Mr. Tomčík from the Prague branch. His approach and willingness seemed very professional to me, which was confirmed over time. Originally, I wanted to commission the company only to install the Taphome system, but after the initial negotiations, I decided to entrust them with the complete electrical installation, and I must state that my decision was the right one. Now, after almost three quarters of a year of cooperation, we are coming to the end of the project and I have to write that I have not found anything that I could criticize them for, quite the opposite. If there was a problem on the construction site, it was always solved in the shortest possible time. The people in this company are real experts who know what they are doing and think about things. Agreements apply here! I hope and believe that this approach will last for them in the future, and I would like to thank them for their trouble-free cooperation so far.
Tomáš Hrouda 2022.03.06 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
Firmu Elitt smart home jsem oslovil jako dodavetele inteligentního systému řízení domů Taphome. Kontaktoval jsem pana Tomčíka z pražské pobočky. Jeho přístup a ochota se mi zdála velmi profesionální, což se postupem času potvrdilo. Původně jsem chtěl firmě zadat pouze instalaci systému Taphome, ale po úvodních jednáních jsem se rozhodl jim svěřit elektroinstalaci kompletní a musím konstatovat, že mé rozhodnutí bylo správné. Nyní po téměř třičtvrtě roce spolupráce se chýlíme ke konci projektu a musím napsat, že jsem nenašel nic co bych jim mohl vytknou, přesně naopak. Pokud nastal na stavbě nějaký problém, vždy byl vyřešen v nejkratším možném termínu. Lidé v této firmě jsou skuteční odborníci, kteří vědí co dělají a o věcech přemýšlejí. Dohody zde platí! Doufám a věřím, že jim tento přístup vydrží i do budoucna a touto cestou jim děkuji za dosavadní bezproblémovou spolupráci.
Tomáš Hrouda 2022.03.06 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I approached Elit smart home as a supplier of the Taphome smart home management system. I contacted Mr. Tomčík from the Prague branch. His approach and willingness seemed very professional to me, which was confirmed over time. Originally, I wanted to commission the company only to install the Taphome system, but after the initial negotiations, I decided to entrust them with the complete electrical installation, and I must state that my decision was the right one. Now, after almost three quarters of a year of cooperation, we are coming to the end of the project and I have to write that I have not found anything that I could criticize them for, quite the opposite. If there was a problem on the construction site, it was always solved in the shortest possible time. The people in this company are real experts who know what they are doing and think about things. Agreements apply here! I hope and believe that this approach will last for them in the future, and I would like to thank them for their trouble-free cooperation so far.
Tomáš Hrouda 2022.03.06 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I approached Elit smart home as a supplier of the Taphome smart home management system. I contacted Mr. Tomčík from the Prague branch. His approach and willingness seemed very professional to me, which was confirmed over time. Originally, I wanted to commission the company only to install the Taphome system, but after the initial negotiations, I decided to entrust them with the complete electrical installation, and I must state that my decision was the right one. Now, after almost three quarters of a year of cooperation, we are coming to the end of the project and I have to write that I have not found anything that I could criticize them for, quite the opposite. If there was a problem on the construction site, it was always solved in the shortest possible time. The people in this company are real experts who know what they are doing and think about things. Agreements apply here! I hope and believe that this approach will last for them in the future, and I would like to thank them for their trouble-free cooperation so far.
Tomáš Hrouda 2022.03.06 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I approached Elit smart home as a supplier of the Taphome smart home management system. I contacted Mr. Tomčík from the Prague branch. His approach and willingness seemed very professional to me, which was confirmed over time. Originally, I wanted to commission the company only to install the Taphome system, but after the initial negotiations, I decided to entrust them with the complete electrical installation, and I must state that my decision was the right one. Now, after almost three quarters of a year of cooperation, we are coming to the end of the project and I have to write that I have not found anything that I could criticize them for, quite the opposite. If there was a problem on the construction site, it was always solved in the shortest possible time. The people in this company are real experts who know what they are doing and think about things. Agreements apply here! I hope and believe that this approach will last for them in the future, and I would like to thank them for their trouble-free cooperation so far.
Tomáš Hrouda 2022.03.06 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I approached Elit smart home as a supplier of the Taphome smart home management system. I contacted Mr. Tomčík from the Prague branch. His approach and willingness seemed very professional to me, which was confirmed over time. Originally, I wanted to commission the company only to install the Taphome system, but after the initial negotiations, I decided to entrust them with the complete electrical installation, and I must state that my decision was the right one. Now, after almost three quarters of a year of cooperation, we are coming to the end of the project and I have to write that I have not found anything that I could criticize them for, quite the opposite. If there was a problem on the construction site, it was always solved in the shortest possible time. The people in this company are real experts who know what they are doing and think about things. Agreements apply here! I hope and believe that this approach will last for them in the future, and I would like to thank them for their trouble-free cooperation so far.
Tomáš Hrouda 2022.03.06 — 2 years ago
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ 5/5
I approached Elit smart home as a supplier of the Taphome smart home management system. I contacted Mr. Tomčík from the Prague branch. His approach and willingness seemed very professional to me, which was confirmed over time. Originally, I wanted to commission the company only to install the Taphome system, but after the initial negotiations, I decided to entrust them with the complete electrical installation, and I must state that my decision was the right one. Now, after almost three quarters of a year of cooperation, we are coming to the end of the project and I have to write that I have not found anything that I could criticize them for, quite the opposite. If there was a problem on the construction site, it was always solved in the shortest possible time. The people in this company are real experts who know what they are doing and think about things. Agreements apply here! I hope and believe that this approach will last for them in the future, and I would like to thank them for their trouble-free cooperation so far.
Tomáš Hrouda 2022.03.06 — 2 years ago

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Mnisek, Czechia September 2020
Zoned heating
11x Zoned heating
Light dimming or color control
7x Light dimming or color control
1x Ventilation
1x Gates
2x Sensors
7 houses in Prague, Czechia September 2020
Zoned heating
10x Zoned heating
Heat pump
1x Heat pump
1x Ventilation
Blinds or roller shutters
7x Blinds or roller shutters
1x Lighting
Light dimming or color control
14x Light dimming or color control
5x Sensors
1x Doorbell
1x Safety
1x Gates